Tuesday, July 30, 2013

It's a little rough......

 So the last few weeks have been a little trying in the parenting department.  I'm not sure if our relaxed summer schedule is a little too much for the kids or what is going on, but something needs to change. Oh, and they aren't doing an amazing job of sleeping at night either.  I'm tired and a bit cranky.  I've been trying to fill the days with fun activities, lots of hugs and kisses, and fresh tomatoes!
 We did get to go out with our friends for the Twilight Criterium and it was fantastic. We ate dinner at Chandlers while watching the bike racers zoom right in front of us.  Dinner was delicious and the atmosphere couldn't be beat, and of course spending time with good friends is always wonderful too!
 We even spotted Kristen Armstrong!  That's her in the purple tank top! I didn't yell over to her, I really wanted to and probably should have......next year!
 The men biking, they were going so fast!
 We took an afternoon and went to Big Al's to play games and had a blast!  The kids love the games!
 We have been spending some quality time at the library lately too.  Its good FREE fun!  This is Knee Deep in Legos and the kids really enjoy building their masterpieces and then the library displays them for a week until the next "Knee Deep" event!
 Hadley with her tower.
 Tanner with his mountain.
 Carter with his space ship.
 Tanner pulled out his top tooth the other night!  It was very exciting, Grandpa and Grandma were over as well as two German men who were visiting and helping at the plant! Never a dull moment and I'm sure we gave those two guys some funny stories to take home with them!
 Freezer meals with my friends!  Jenny was the only one who would pose for a photo, everyone else ran away!  What a night, what a night!  Wine, mojitos,, food, friends, and freezer meals, ten to be exact!  This is the best club ever!
 Laundry.  I cannot bring myself to do it.......Well, its clean, its just not put away.
 Back to the library!  This time its wiggles with worms.  The Boise Little Theatre put on a play about worms and then the kids watched worms race!  Its was hilarious!
 Disney Headbandz with Kristen and Paige!
 More Knee Deep in Legos with Kristen and Paige this time! The five of them built a castle!
 There it is!
Summer is going by fast and we are having a blast!

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