Wednesday, July 3, 2013


June came and left so fast I feel like my head is on a swivel! What a month it was too.  Jam packed full of fun times! I feel so incredibly thankful and blessed to have such wonderful family and friends.  Life is pretty dang good and I've got so much to be happy about.
So this happened.  Yep. I called Katie and I said "you know what would be fun, if we took all the kids to the races."  I could tell she thought I was insane but since we had free tickets for all of us, she was in.  It was insane.  Fun.  But definitely insane and there were moments when I felt like I was going to lose my mind! Grandpa came too which was great!  It's always good to involve more people in our crazy!
Cooper and Carter
Hadley, Cooper & Carter!
Crazy faces!  If this wasn't a preview of the night to come I'm not sure what was!

Let's go swimming!  Yay!  The pool has been such a great place for us, helps our afternoons go by great!
Fresh catch for dinner!
Swimming with our cousin Chandler!  He LOVES the pool!  Its a barrel of fun!

Pool time fun!

Our cousin Nikki is having a baby.  Its super exciting so my mom and Cam and I had a shower for her.  It was so nice! She's having a little girl any day now named Edrie Mae.
"Selfie" because I can!
On June 9 Hadley turned 3! 
Her special dinner was Fried Chicken, Mac-n-Cheese and mashed potatoes!
No birthday is complete without candles and a cake~! 
Hadley's birthday kicks off the first of the three kids so we just go ahead and celebrate for a month!

Preview shot of the kids birthday pictures!  Ages 3, 5 and 7.  It's crazy to think this is how old they are.  It feels like yesterday........
We had a fun filled joint party for the three of them.  Family and friends, it was wonderful!
Pushing/pulling Hailey in the wagon.
Happy Birthday!
Orion, Carter and Caden playing with the stomp rockets (Three of which are still on our roof!)
No party is complete without a hair cut. Especially a kids birthday party.  Yes.  A haircut.  Tyler cut Jocks hair.  He is now part of the buzz cut brotherhood.  It actually looked really good too!  Tyler has a secret talent as a hair dresser, who knew?!
Unbelievable  on one hand but then on the other, totally normal!
Playing colors in the pool with Paige and Kristen! This game takes me back!  When they started playing it I almost cried.  This was MY CHILDHOOD! I was overwhelmed with love!
On June 20 Carter turned 5!
We celebrated his special day with hot dogs and chips per his request! He wanted to make sure they were cooked too.  Evidently since many times I just give them to the kids cold out of the fridge he felt the need to specify.  Yep, cooked, because it was a special occasion after all! Anything for you buddy!
Why not?
On July 1 Tanner turned 7!
 His special birthday dinner request......Crab.  We headed to the store to pick up crab and lobster was actually on special and half the cost of crab.  I asked him if Lobster would be ok instead and he said it would be even better!  That a boy!  I am overwhelmed with pride right now!
Happy Birthday!
30 days of June over and out!
Welcome July!

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