Tuesday, December 1, 2009

And so it begins!

Today I had another fun doctors appointment with the crew at Maternal Fetal Medicine at St. Al's.  Lots of great ultrasound pictures of the little peanut to see!  Tyler came with me to make sure I did not find out the gender of the baby-just in case!  It was nice to have him there and I know he enjoyed seeing the baby!  This picture above is just of the heart rate.  It is really way to early to see any gender indications, but I hoped that maybe just maybe we could see something........so I made sure to look really really really hard!!  I got nothing!  This is going to be harder than I originally thought it would be, and I knew it would be hard!  Have pity on Tyler becuase he will be the one taking the brunt of all this! 

Here is the head and profile of the baby!  Sort of grainy!  The next ultrasound will be the better 4D one!

2 legs!  This is where I was really squinting and trying so hard to see anything!  The darn umbilical cord really plays tricks on my eyes too!  Lisa, the ultrasound tech, did not even give me as much as eye contact, a smile, wink, etc during this part! She just made sure I knew where the umbilical cord was at all times so I couldn't make any guesses! She thought is was hilarious how the baby's legs were straight up and down!  When Dr. Bobrowski came in, she explained that all the measurements they took are normal and that baby looks healthy and normal and then I was off to get some blood drawn. 

Another little side face picture with a little hand.  How fun!  It was great to see this little peanut moving all around in there!  I loved it!  And, we made it through this ultrasound without any indication of gender.  Two more ultrasounds to go! 


Swan Family said...

Let me know the gender...I won't tell!!! You seriously can't leave in suspense for nine months!!! ;)

Swan Family said...

Oh I forgot to tell you I love your new background!!! Super festive!

Molly said...

Oh...Im dying...I just want to know!

Sylviah222 said...

Little peanut is so adorable!