Thursday, November 5, 2009

So Cute!

I had the flu last week and felt like I had been run over by a bus.  It was a long week, however, I got a fun package in the mail that perked up my fluness a bit!  It was from my sister-in-law Molly who lives in Seattle. Whenever I close my eyes and think about Seattle, I smell chlorine becuase I used to go there a lot to swim and I also think about sitting on the water eating seafood, yummy yummy seafood.  Good times!

 But back to the apron; She made this!  Isn't that awesome!  I think she could sell these things and if you would like to buy one, you can email her at .  It is the cutest apron I have ever set eyes on! Wouldn't it just make a wonderful Christmas present??!  I am going to wear it when I cook all my Pioneer Woman recipes too!   Thanks Mol!

1 comment:

Molly said...

I got a job now and though no one on your blog was interested I am going to make a whole bunch and sell them at a boutique next christmas. So I need to start collecting old mens jeans...especial fat mens jeans! ha ha ha...more material!