Friday, December 10, 2010

Can I please leave a message with Mary?

Carter is 2. He is very good at being 2. Last night he was tired and he was exceptionally great at being 2. The video above is what went on last night. Of course, when you are 2, it is always something, and its usually tired, or sick, or tired and sick. Sometimes I am just sick and tired! Most of the time when Carter throws these little fits, its funny. But sometimes they really get to me and I lose it! I'm trying to be better at that, be calmer, be helpful, be "dry pants", be Love and Logic, be Parenting is Heart Work, etc, etc! Scary thing is, I think it is easy now and it gets really hard when they get older!

As I went to sleep last night all I could think about was the fact that Jesus was once 2. I worry a lot about making sure my kids grow up to be good people. The last thing I would ever want to hear goes something like this......"Oh those Compton kids, they aren't people you want to associate yourself with" or something like that. I can't even imagine the pressure Mary had trying to raise Jesus. I'm sure he had tantrums and I'm sure he was really good at being 2 as well. It makes me laugh to think of Jesus as a 2 year old! I'd love to be able to talk to Mary and hear all about how she felt trying to raise God's only son. Needless to say, she did an impeccable job! Thanks Mary!

Tanner, on the other hand is 4 and he is very good at being 4. He never ceases to make me laugh! When we got home he wanted to put on his "comfy's" and relax. As he got his "comfys" on, he insisted I take a picture of him with his shirt back because it was silly. So, that is the above picture, and it is really silly. Then, he went over to the fridge and got himself some water and put it in a coffee cup, he then went over to the pantry and grabbed some crackers and took it into the family room. He told me he just needed to sit and drink his coffee for a little bit to unwind. Wow. I know I have said those exact words myself! I thought I should pour myself some "coffee" and join him!

Tanners crackers and "coffee"! So cute!

1 comment:

Cammie :) said...

I will always want to associate with these amazing boys! We love them sooo very much :)