Wednesday, August 28, 2013

First Day of 1st Grade!

First Day of 1st Grade!  So exciting!  Tanner was excited and nervous and READY! We had met his teacher and seen his class and desk and everything else the night before which was very helpful.  He requested a Bologna sandwich and watermelon for lunch in his new little lunch pail. We were all packed and ready the night before!
 His backpack and lunch were set by the back door!
 His adorable teacher had given us instructions the night before on what colors the kids should wear each day.  I thought it was a novel idea!  I'm off to try to find a pink and a purple shirt for him because he doesn't have either of those colors. They are also to bring a snack that is in the coordinating color as well. So, the new adorable shirt I had picked out for him to wear the first day will be worn sometime in the middle of September when the color game is over as it did not have a speck of red on it!
 Red is the color of the first day!

 Not as creative as last year-the teacher gift was a Starbucks cup with some Very Berry Hibiscus Refreshers in it.
 We got to school in plenty of time and walked over to where he would meet to line up to go in his classroom. So big!
 Hadley and Carter were excited to be part of the festivities as well!
 Hadley wanted to play and run around with the big kids.....
 while Carter was concerned and a little bit worried.
 Tanner playing before the bell rings!
 I bet that other kid will be in his class!  Note the red shirt!

I took no pictures of his class all lined up.  The reason being is that Carter and Hadley also wanted to bring their lunch pails too.  I didn't realize that Hadley had actually packed food in hers, some of which was leaking out of the pail (an entirely smashed tomato) so I stood there holding a leaking lunch pail while also checking that Carter didn't have food in his (just Legos)  and before I knew it Mrs. Monson was out and leading the kids into the classroom.  It was a long day.  7 hours is a long time to be in school and this will be an adjustment for Tanner.  It was an adjustment for me too but I did notice having one less kid.  Even I was able to get a lot more stuff done with just the two little ones.  Crazy-could have just been the stars aligning..... When I picked him up that afternoon, he was exhausted.  He LOVED it but he was totally spent and ended up falling asleep by 7:30 that night.  He was excited to get up, dress in blue, and go after it again today! Next week Hadley and Carter start preschool so I will be totally free on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.  I cannot believe it!

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