Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A little something fun!

I decided to go ahead and try making my own laundry detergent. I figured it couldn't be too difficult and probably would save me some money! I was correct! The cast of characters for home made laundry detergent is one bar of Fels-Naptha, one cup of Borax and one cup of Baking Soda. I think I was able to buy all three items, which included two big boxes of the Borax and Baking soda for around $7.00.

I shredded the Fels-Naptha in my food processor and then added just a cup of each of the Baking Soda and Borax and mixed well again all in the food processor!

It took me all of about 3 minutes! It smelled WONDERFUL too! Something that I wasn't expecting and was worried about as well...Can't wait to see how it performs!
Finished product! The directions said to keep in an air tight container and use only 2 tablespoons per large size load! There is about 3 cups of detergent in this container and I only need to use 2 tablespoons per load. That's quite a lot of loads and I still have lots of Baking Soda and Borax left to do it all over again when I run low. Money saved! Yay!

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