Sunday, October 25, 2009


After the singing performance at Tanner's preschool, the church put on a trunk-or-treat for the kids! We got on costumes and enjoyed the food and the kids went trunk-or-treating which is trick or treating out of the backs of peoples cars! It was so fun! The cars were all decorated with Halloween decorations too! Very festive and fun! This was Tanner's first year of really getting into trick-or-treating too! He had a blast and was so much fun to watch! Carter loved it too, although he didn't really grasp the idea of getting candy in his little pumpkin bucket, he made sure he had the bucket in hand at all times! This was great practice for the real deal next Saturday!Carter the little dragon

Minnie Mouse Makayla, Lisa, and Mickey Mouse Chelsea

Mommy, Carter the little dragon, Tanner the big dragon, and Daddy

Makayla, Chelsea, and Tanner ready to go trick-or-treating!

Makayla, Chelsea, Tanner, and Carter. Carter was ready to get the party started!

Trying to get the kids together for a picture! It is always worth the effort it takes!

Tanner the Big Dragon!

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