Tuesday, January 19, 2010

2010 Goals

My cousin Lindsay recently sent out an email with her goals for 2010. I thought it was awesome and felt special to be included in her "village"! It's really fun when your family marry people who are just so cool! I thought I needed to do something similar for myself. I liked how she called them goals instead of resolutions. I have never been able to keep a resolution, but I might be able to tackle a goal! I need some goals for the upcoming year. Not difficult ones, but realistic ones and ones that will help make me a better person. I agree with Lindsay that it takes a village to help ourselves be the best people we can be. So, I am asking you to be my village and help me in obtaining my goals for the next year. Help me be accountable for myself! So, here is the shortened version of my goals. I could go much more in depth with each of them, but you'll get the gist. If you want to know more, please ask!

Emotional: To break free of my fears, anxiety, self doubt and sometimes low confidence in myself. I know this is a big one. But, a lot of times I have a lot of these emotions running through me all at once! I hope I hide it well, but at the same time, I hope it shows so I can have help conquering it!
Spiritual: I am currently in 3 different Bible studies and I love them all! I am hoping to have a deeper knowledge and understanding with all we are studying.
Physical: Toning my legs and arms and losing the baby weight after this little munchkin is born. Luckily I will have all summer to go on long walks so if anyone wants to join me, let me know!
Financial: No retail therapy-save the money! I think we have enough. Plus, then we can take a long vacation with all the money we save up!
Family: Spend more time with all of our families!

It might be a little silly to include you in my accountability, but just knowing that I've told people about my goals will help me be accountable for them. I appreciate the chance to share my thoughts and feelings too! I hope everyone has a wonderful 2010!

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